
Category - Auburn University Tour

Tips For Planning Your Own Tours Of Auburn University

Samford Hall in the distance from The Hotel at Auburn University
Auburn University is a great university with a ton of history. A great place that will put you at the heart of the campus is The Hotel At Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center because you will be within feet of almost anywhere you want to be at the University for your self-made tour. We’ve compiled a list of tips for visiting places on your tour that should give you a good idea of how special Auburn University is.
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Visit These 3 Buildings during at Auburn University Tour

Samford Hall in the distance from The Hotel at Auburn University
Auburn University is a historic and beautiful campus to see firsthand on a tour. If you are in the area or planning a prospective student tour, let us tell you a little about some of these historic Auburn University buildings. The best way to see all of campus is by staying at The Hotel At Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. Here are some of the most iconic and historic buildings on the campus.
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